Dove Watch 2019: Live cam of doves nestling two eggs in West LA

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It began in May 2016, when, despite all attempts to dissuade them, a couple of doves made their first nest. We at KTTV, being the animal lovers that we are, protected the area with umbrellas, and even made weekend trips to make sure there was fresh water and bird seed nearby for mama. 

You can see photos of the first hatchlings from that year. No wonder they come back every year to lay their eggs! So, this year, we decided to share with you Foxy's nest with a live camera. You will notice we never come too close, as not to harass them or impede with nature's way.

We'd love to get suggestions for names for the babies, who are due any moment.  Mostly, we invite you to enjoy with all of us this wonderful look at nature, even in the middle of the bustling, busy city of Los Angeles!