Suspect makes off with thousands worth of DeKalb County church equipment

DeKalb County police are looking for whoever broke into a church and stole thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

"The house of God is the last place you would think crime would occur," Reverend Tracey Fletcher said.

It’s still hard for Reverend Tracey Fletcher to process after someone broke into First St. Peter AME Church in DeKalb County and got away with over ten-thousand dollars worth of equipment.

"They broke in. Threw a rock. Pulled it up, and stepped in," Fletcher said.

Fletcher took FOX 5 on a tour of the damage at the church on South Indian Creek drive as they believe the burglars hit sometime Sunday night or Monday.

"I came around the corner and I saw the back door open. TV’s are gone," Fletcher said.

They believe the thieves came in through the basement. This spiritual leader told FOX he doesn’t believe the attack was random.

Those responsible went floor to floor stealing everything from TV's, to sound systems, to lights and even items for the homeless.

"They kicked out the bottom of the door and went into the office," Fletcher said.

"It just makes me feel like we are taking 20 steps forward, but this incident appears to have taken us 40 steps back," Fletcher said.

Fletcher said the church has been in the area for nearly a quarter of a century and is a hub for community events.

"You have to be pretty much at a low place to steal from a church," Fletcher said.

As members work to figure out how they will find the money to replace the material items, they said the thieves couldn’t steal their joy and praise.

"What the devil meant for evil, watch God turn it around for a blessing," Fletcher said.

If you know anything that can help DeKalb County Police solve this case, come forward. You can remain anonymous.