Dashcam Video: Officer Performs Heimlich on Choking Woman

A Braselton police officer is being called a hero, after his dashboard camera video shows him saving a choking woman's life with the Heimlich maneuver.

Police said Officer Steve Folkers was on duty when he saw a woman flagging him down for help at a local gas station.

The video shows Folkers coming over to the woman and her mother, who was choking on a bite of a ham biscuit.

"The daughter was waving me down. I went immediately to her,"  Folkers said. "Her mother wasn't able to speak, had a hard time breathing."

He said he immediately decided to perform the Heimlich maneuver. The video shows him performing the procedure for 30 seconds before the woman coughs up the food particle and starts breathing again.

Paramedics soon arrived at the scene.

"I definitely don't see it as being a hero. I was just in the right place at the right time," Folkers said.

FOX 5 learned Folkers has been called a hero before. Our staff interviewed him in the fall 2013, when he and a comrade - then working for Gainesville Police - pulled a boy out of a burning home.

Staff said Folkers will soon be honored for his latest heroic efforts at a city council meeting.