Criminals steal guns from firefighters vehicles
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. - One day into the new year and already a slew of crimes...Forsyth County Fire Division Chief Jason Shivers told FOX 5, the vehicles of five firefighters and EMTs were broken into early Monday morning.
"These people are working hard and away from their families to protect the public," Forsyth County Fire Division Chief Jason Shivers said.
The criminals took three guns, but left behind all other valuables.
They smashed the glass, went through vehicles..." Shivers said. "They were in disarray when people saw them this morning."
But Fire Station Ten wasn't the only place hit. Officials told FOX 5 a neighborhood right near the fire station was also hit Monday morning--likely by the same people.
"I have been able to confirm with the Sheriff's Office that this was one of six," Shivers said. "There were five other incidents along Old Atlanta Road where civilian vehicles were broken into."
Officials say the crimes took place somewhere between 1 and 7 a.m. In the 18 years, Shivers has been with the department, he said, a case like this hasn't happened before.
"Wen you deal with firefighters we look out for each other," Shivers said. "The thought of these guys being victims and away from their families on a holiday... it certainly bothers you."