Bold thief caught on camera

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Residents in the Summerhill community in Atlanta are hoping visual evidence will lead to the arrest of a crafty crook.

William Gould recorded the man walking onto his porch to steal a Fed-Ex package left Monday afternoon around one.

"You see the guy he slows down right when he gets to the podium, looking straight ahead and immediately turns around," said Gould as he described the surveillance video.

Gould suspects the thief was following the delivery truck. He's convinced of that because the package was stolen about a minute after it was placed away from view.

"Even my tree sort of obstructs the view. There's no way he would have known it was there. He followed him in and he didn't know the camera was there because I could tell by the way the guy came up," said Gould.

Gould said he realized something was wrong when he checked an app which streams live video of his surveillance system to his cell phone.

He said when he got home he checked the recorded video to discover the thief.

Neighbors are wondering if it's the same guy who grabbed their packages.

“Saturday morning, some time my neighbors had a few packages so now we all look out for each other and just collect each other’s packages," said Michael Lievers.

Lievers said he's concerned about safety after someone put his car on blocks to steal the wheels early Tuesday morning.

A neighbor recorded a grainy picture of the culprit who some residents suspect could also be the man linked to the porch thefts.

"We've seen people lurking around but as of yet we haven't had any evidence, thankfully William does now," said Lievers.

Gould handed over a flash drive with the video to the Atlanta Police Department.

A representative with the Atlanta Police Department said the video would likely be used by Crime Stoppers to try to bring in the brazen burglar.

Gould said he is well versed in technology because he is an IT expert in repairing computers for police departments nationwide, including the Atlanta Police Department.