Friends since 1st grade, Barrow County Schools recognize Boy Scout troop graduating together

It's the end of an era for the Winder-Barrow High Schoolers. They've all been friends since first grade and participated in the same Boy Scout troop but for the first time in 12 years, they won't attend the same school in the fall.

Graduations are filled with mixed emotions. They indicate a new beginning, but they're also a time to celebrate every accomplishment up until now. The Barrow County School board has recognized seven boys, all friends, for their contributions to the community through their Eagle Scout projects, and they walked across the graduation stage Thursday closing another chapter together.

Just after their graduation practice and hours before the actual ceremony, the high schoolers gathered at the Winder Public Library to reflect.

"[Graduation] is one of our last full big moments. Sure we'll stay in touch but last big moment together," David Koss said.

"Most of us met in 1st grade and eventually joined boy scouts together," Connor Patterson said.

From elementary schoolers sneaking bunny ears for a group photo, to high-ranking Boy Scouts, and every band performance or school dance in between, the group thus far has been inseparable.

As with all things, this era must come to an end.

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The library is special for Koss, as he built this reading area for his Eagle project.

"Besides the fact it looks good on a job, it's a great way for you and your friends to grow as people," ​Jacob Yother said.

Barrow County's school board has acknowledged Connor Patterson, Brady Welch, Ricardo Hernandez, Jacob Smith, Adam West and Jacob Yother for their community service too.

The next chapter, college, will look different as almost all the boys are headed to the University of Georgia with one deciding to go to University of South Alabama to pursue Meteorology and Atmospheric Science.

All seven scouts agree, the time spent working hard together to get to this point is priceless.