Atlanta Streetcars Back in Service After Being Vandalized

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The city of Atlanta said all four of its streetcars have resumed normal operations after being hit by vandals. Police are still searching for those responsible for the spray-painted streetcars in downtown Atlanta. 

According to investigators, three streetcars were found covered in paint early last Tuesday morning.

The vandalism took place at the maintenance facility in the 200 block of Auburn Avenue. Fencing surrounds the area and cameras are mounted as well, but that didn't stop taggers. 

"It doesn't look gang-related" said Elizabeth Espy, Public Affairs Director for the Atlanta Police Department. "We think it's someone who saw an opportunity to make a name for themselves."

The city councilman representing the area is raising concerns about security; everything from the type of fencing to the habits of security officers monitoring this expensive project.

"I do think there needs to be some added measures and attention," said Kwanza Hall, District 2 City Councilors.

The concern now is finding who committed the crime.

The transit project was a pricey investment. The 2.7 mile corridor and four streetcars cost $98 million. 

City officials said they have terminated the company providing security for the streetcar.