Atlanta city leader addresses changes that need to be made after a violent year

Atlanta city leaders are looking ahead to what can be done to address the rise in crime within the city in 2021.

Crime statistics within the city rose to numbers not seen in two decades.

"I'm just going to put it out there very bluntly. The crime is out of control in the city of Atlanta," said Felicia Moore, Atlanta City Council President.

According to data from the Atlanta Police Department, there have been 154 murders between the start of the year and last Thursday. There were 95 during the same time frame last year.

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There were 692 as of last Thursday, compared to 480 this time last year.

"We've got to go beyond hoping something gets better. We really have to find those actionable items that we can be responsible for across the board," Moore said.

Moore has pointed to several things the City should focus on as we head into the New Year.

She said the city should find a permanent replacement for the role of the police chief and find a way to maintain officers within the department.

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Moore also said they should work to make sure the public and police maintain a good relationship.

"They're all connected. It's making sure that the citizens feel that they are safe with the police officers while the officers are keeping them safe," Moore said.

In addition to having the manpower to prevent and investigate crimes, she said the courts need to do their part as well.

"We have to find a way to get some synergy with our courts to make sure that when the officers expend all of the energy that they do to fighting crime and apprehending people who have committed violent crime, that they actually get held accountable in the court of law," Moore said.

At the end of the day, she says the rise in crime isn't an issue that can be tackled by one group alone.

"The citizens have responsibility and accountability, the police officers, the employees, we all have a role to play and we just have to get that team together and everybody plays their role," Moore said.

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