Henry County Schools celebrate Braves' Michael Harris with his own day

Fans are used to seeing him in Braves' red white and blue, but there was a time Michael Harris II rocked orange, green and white.

Henry County Schools celebrated the breakout Braves player with "Michael Harris II Day" Tuesday.

The Stockbridge High alum has had a monumental year, making his Major League Baseball debut and earned the "Rookie of the Year" title.

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Henry County Schools is celebrating Michael Harris II Day on Feb. 7, 2023. (FOX 5)

His success on the field and in the classroom now serves as inspiration to players who run on this field in Harris' footsteps.

He has even caused his former coach, a Metz fan, to switch teams.

Tuesday, February 7th, Henry County honored the national league rookie of the year with his own "day."

The county's board of education and dozens of people from all three of Harris' former schools flooded the field to say "job well done."

"I was teary-eyed when I saw the signs on the street," he said.

The city expects even greater things from the Braves outfielder, just ask Stockbridge mayor Anthony Ford:

"Can I say that we're looking forward to a national MVP-- that's a tall order, but you can handle it," he said during the celebration.