Alabama researchers working on ice radar system

AN/FPS-6 height-finding radar operated by the 150th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron, Kokee Air Force Station, Kauai, Hawaii. (USAF file via National Archives)
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) - Engineering researchers at the University of Alabama are developing a system to help measure the world's ice sheets and glaciers.
The team is working on a type of radar that can be used to scan the interior of ice. Researchers say that's important because scientists aren't sure how much melting ice will influence rising seas as the climate changes.
A university news release says the project is the first for the school's new Remote Sensing Center. Workers there plan to develop technologies for measuring soil, moisture, snow and ice.
The center is led by Prasad Gogineni. He says the new radar will be capable of measuring ice in a way that's not currently possible.
The project will be funded through a nearly $1 million grant from a foundation based in Denmark.