Seniors help raise $100k for cancer research

A fitness instructor in Marietta is working to raise $100,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society this year.

Some of his biggest supporters are seniors who take his exercise classes--many of them are cancer survivors themselves.

"I'm a commercial pilot and electrical engineer I'm an enthusiastic liver of life, and why?" asked 80-year-old Richard Doughty, a member of the class. "Because my life was almost taken."

Doughty got cancer when he was just 14 years old. Now, he's hoping to help Bob Cox raise money for a cure. "I've had so many friends who didn't make it, cousins who didn't make it, and my mother who was so careful to get me help died of breast cancer in her 50's," said Doughty.

He and other member's of Cox's classes have already raised $36,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's "Team in Training" fundraiser triathlon.

"I'm doing it for my mom," said Cox. "She is a leukemia and lymphoma survivor, and she's been fighting for 22 years," said Cox.

A fight that will be won through teamwork and donations from the community.

"Cancer, in its many types of afflictions needs people around it to come together and say "I'll fight you cancer!! You're not going anywhere with me!! Or my friends!!" said Doughty.

Friends supporting Bob are helping him reach his goal, but now, they need more than just the class to kick cancer away.

"Money means reaching into the lives of people, maybe you don't even know and someday... someday, you may need that help too," Doughty said.

Anyone who would like to donate, click HERE!