Officers asking drivers to slow down in neighborhoods

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Cars driving too fast may be an issue everywhere,  but when speeding cars happen when neighborhood children are home for the summer, it can be a dangerous combination.

No one likes seeing speeding cars in their neighborhood, and with more kids playing outside for the summer, law enforcement is asking everyone to slow down.

Alex Sternstein has lived in this Sandy Springs neighborhood for 32 years. She says speeding has always been an issue. "We even have speed humps and they don't seem to stop most people. They just kind of fly over them," said Sternstein.

Her neighborhood is used as a cut through by many drivers trying to avoid traffic on Riverside Drive, and now that school is out for the summer, she's urging drivers to slow down.

"I think a lot of people are also on their cell phones, not paying attention to kids around the neighborhood. We have kids walking back from our swim/tennis club and it can be pretty dangerous if people aren't paying attention. People are running stop signs all the time," said Sternstein.

Sandy Springs Police enforce speeding in residential areas all year long, but especially during the summer.

"These are homes. There are animals, there are children, there are people out walking. There are people out doing their daily activities. Be mindful, slow down, pay attention, and treat it like you live on that street and hopefully no one will get hurt, that's the ultimate goal," said Sandy Springs Police Sergeant Scott Levy.

Sgt. Levy says it's easy to point the finger at the drivers cutting through, but many times, it's actually the drivers who live in the neighborhood who are busted. "The overwhelming majority of the time, we will find that the violations taken place inside the subdivisions that we're out doing enforcement in, are people that live inside the subdivisions," said Sgt. Levy.

Alex explains the summer message is simple: Slow down, pay attention, and get off the cell phone.

"I think people just need to put their cell phones down and to just really pay attention to what's around you that you are cutting through a neighborhood with families." 

Since August 2013, officers have written 701 citations in the Riverside neighborhood. They've also logged about 220 man hours.

Keep in mind, on a residential street, officers have the power to pull you over for going just 1-mile per hour over the speed limit.

Check out more photos in the slideshow