Good Day Atlanta Viewer Information February 8, 2016
Move It Monday: Thinking "Inside The Box" At Chamblee's Crossfit Paragon
You've read about it, you've seen it on television, and chances are, you know somebody who's already converted to the Crossfit way of life. But if you're still not sure what Crossfit is all about, Good Day Atlanta spent the morning investigating at Crossfit Paragon in Chamblee.
According to the Crossfit Paragon website, it's a high-intensity workout that incorporates training methods of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. Crossfit workouts include everything from push-ups and pull-ups to power lifting and Olympic lifting to strengthen and condition bodies, and most workouts are only 15-20 minutes in length. Regulars quickly learn the "language" of Crossfit -- including "box" (which means gym) and "WOD" (workout of the day) -- and say it doesn't take long to become part of the Crossfit community.
Good Day Atlanta's Paul Milliken spent the morning at Crossfit Paragon (located at 3907 Green Industrial Way in Chamblee) getting a look at how the facility it changing lives -- and changing bodies!
Good Day Atlanta pet of the day from the Humane Society of Cobb County. For more information click here.
Sweet treats for Valentine's Day with the Macaron Queen. French Pastry connoisseur, Nina Chteoui joined us with tips on how to decorate, prepare, and assemble these popular treats. For more information click here.