VIRAL: Coffee stand workers pray with woman who just lost husband

Photo: Barbara Danner Facebook

Customers who visited this drive-through to pick up coffee on Saturday didn’t realize they’d be stumbling in on a powerful scene of prayer.

It started when a woman in tears pulled up to this Vancouver, Washington Dutch Bros. stand.

Someone told baristas Pierce Dunn and Evan Freeman, “‘she's just having a really bad day. Her husband passed,’” recounted Freeman.

“As soon as she said that, I was like, ‘There's nothing more you need to say. We got this. We're going to do what we do every time we get someone who’s in pain or hurt. We're going to give them our love.’”

The two offered the woman a free drink, and for a moment, stopped everything to take care of her.

They bowed their heads and held hands with the woman – an image that has inspired tens of thousands online.

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