State, local policy measures could cause ripples across nation
ATLANTA - A lot of attention has been paid to the presidential election, but many states will be voting on policy changes which would cause ripples across the nation.
Here are just some of those issues up for a vote Nov. 8:
Nine states will be deciding if they wish to legalize marijuana to various degrees with possibly the biggest battleground being California, which is looking to fully legalize the federally controlled substance.
Meanwhile, California, Colorado, Missouri, and North Dakota are deciding on increasing taxes on cigarettes.
California, Nebraska and Oklahoma face tough choices on the future of the death penalty. California and Nebraska are seeking to ban capital punishment, while Oklahoma is going the opposite direction, asking voters to add it to their state constitution to make it easier to carry out executions in the state.
Colorado is seeking to form the nation's only single-payer health care system.
Maine is voting to change its "pick one" voting system to a ranked-choice voting system. Supporters say ranking candidates would give more power to third parties and eliminate the need for runoffs. Opponents believe it would cause a lower voter turnout.
Maine and Nevada could implement a point-of-sale background check on gun purchases while California could require background checks for ammunition purchases. The state of Washington is looking at a measure which would allow guns to be seized by police if they are deemed a threat.
Hunters and fishermen will be taking to the polls in Indiana, Montana, and Kansas for measures which would protect their rights. If all three pass, at least 20 state constitutions would have rights pertaining to hunting and fishing.
Massachusetts' Question 3 seeks to require more space for farm animals and would ban inhumane confines.
The state of Washington could be the first to tax businesses for carbon dioxide emissions.
California might have more ballot measures if Proposition 53 passes. The measure would force voter approval on big bonds. Supporters say it helps give a more direct democracy to the people while opponents say it could kill future important infrastructure projects.
California’s porn industry could be forced to use condoms.
Three California cities could pass taxes on soda. San Francisco, Oakland and Albany have referendums for a tax on sugary drinks.
Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington are asking voters if the minimum wage is too low in each state.