Schools Listen to Parents Concerns over Islam Assignment
WALTON COUNTY, Ga. - Passionate parents met with Walton county school officials to talk about Islamic assignments which they said trample on their children's religious freedoms.
Ten parents showed up and wanted to be heard, but Walton county school superintendent Gary Hobbs only met with one parent who had a scheduled meeting.
"We knew they were not going to be able to solve our problems about these Islamic assignments on a local level. Our issue is with the state which forces our teachers to religiously profile our children," parent Ryan Breece said.
The Walton county father said school officials were receptive to putting a mechanism in place for parents to email their concerns about the social studies curriculum to their respective principals.
The remaining 9 parents waited in the lobby hoping to air their grievances with someone. Father of three, Bill Greene said he was disappointed his concerns were not heard.
"It is not the government's job to teach our children religion. That is something parents should do. I sit down every night and talk to my kid's about their day and their feeling and our savior, Jesus Christ," Green said.
After the two hour closed door meeting, parent Breece said the district's hands are tied. He was encouraged that the Walton county superintendent vowed to help parents take their fight to the next level, the state of Georgia board of education.
Breece didn't expect much satisfaction on the state level and anticipated filing a lawsuit against the state Board to force change in the curriculum.