Reward offered in Acworth vandalism case
ACWORTH, Ga. - The owner of an Acworth building hit by vandals last week has now offered a reward for information in the case.
NorthCutt Station Salon had just held its grand opening after moving into the space last Tuesday. Sometime between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, someone shattered all the glass windows and the front doors.
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"It was devastating," recalled salon owner April Tillman. "[It was] definitely the worst thing that had ever happened in my career, you know?"
Tillman said the windows were broken with such force that glass was sent flying all over the shop.
"It was like a bomb had went off. It was literally like a shrapnel bomb of glass had just erupted in here. Everything was covered," she explained.
Tillman shut down the salon for a full day so that it could be cleaned up. She said people from all over Acworth showed up to help.
Building owner Terry Clark is offering a $5,000 reward for information in the case. Tillman hopes that will be enough to convince someone to share what they know with Acworth Police.
"I want to know that I can come in in the mornings before the sun comes up and that my girls can work after the sun goes down without fear of somebody coming and throwing a rock or a baseball bat or a sledgehammer through the window," said Tillman.