Orlando students help clean Tybee beach over spring break

TYBEE ISLAND, Ga. (AP) - Dozens of Orlando high schoolers on spring break helped give Tybee Island a post-St. Patrick's Day cleaning.

The Savannah Morning News (http://bit.ly/2mPU8Jg ) reports that 41 high school students from three Orlando-area high schools combed the beach Monday with cleaning supplies to pick up cigarette butts and other trash.

The students were participating as part of the Elevate Orlando mentorship program. Mentor Jonas Cayo says the program aims to teach character qualities and how to give back to the community.

Tybee Clean Beach Volunteers founder Tim Arnold says volunteering changes the way people think about trash on the beach, and encourages them to abstain from littering in the future.


Information from: Savannah Morning News, http://www.savannahnow.com