Injured deer recovering thanks to deputies

A deer struck by a passing motorist is recovering thanks to some Paulding County deputies.

The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office posted a photo of the deer on their Facebook page Wednesday. In the post, they state the deer was slightly injured and was rushed by Deputy Keener to the Paulding County Animal Control. The deer was taken to a veterinarian who patched the deer up.

“With a little bit of luck, ‘Bambi’ will be back in the woods in no time at all,” the post stated.

Deer breeding season runs from October through early January, meaning deer will be more on the move. Deer also are more active at dawn and dusk.

Authorities said to slow down if a deer is spotted near a roadway and be prepared for more than one to be together. Animal experts suggest flashing the headlights if a deer is in the middle of the road.