Father teaches son valuable lesson about stealing
A video on Facebook showing a father teaching his son a valuable lesson about stealing quickly went viral.
“What’s that in your hand?,” the father asked his son.
The child responded, “Chocolate.”
After realizing what his son had done, Michael Brandon Hamrick walked him back into the store to apologize for stealing. Hamrick captured the entire incident on video and posted it to his Facebook page with the following caption:
“I don't give a [expletive] who you are, how much money you have or don't have,” the caption read. “Be a parent and TEACH your children not to be a part of the PROBLEM.”
“I’m scared,” the boy said as he began to cry.
Hamrick made his son return the item and apologize to a store associate for stealing— teaching his son the importance of honesty and integrity.
The video has been viewed more than 14 million times and shared 270,944 times on Facebook.