Donald Trump rallies Atlanta supporters

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Despite some unexpected snags, Donald Trump rolled with the punches Sunday at a campaign stop in Atlanta.

The Republican front runner spoke to a crowd of more than 6,000 people at the Georgia World Congress Center just hours after claiming victory in the South Carolina primary.

"We had such an amazing victory yesterday--incredible," Trump told the audience.

Trump earned 32.5 percent of the vote besting the rest of the field.  Marco Rubio came in second place with a narrow win over Ted Cruz.

"We won with everything," touted Trump.  "We won with women--I love the women!  We won with women.  We won with men--meh!  I'd rather win with women to be honest, but that's OK."

For the most part, Mr. Trump stuck to his platform of abolishing the Affordable Care Act, improving the U.S. military and building a wall on the border of Mexico.  He had to pivot, however, when the lights suddenly went out on stage, thrusting the candidate into darkness. 

"Because the lights didn't work, I won't pay the rent.  So, we get better lighting and we don't pay the rent," said Trump. 

When workers restored the lighting, Trump complained about them being too bright. 

"Turn off the lights!  Turn off the lights," he lead supporters in chanting.  "That's the way we have to negotiate for our country." 

The businessman took aim at some of his usual targets--President Barack Obama, immigrants and the media.  Supporters said they appreciate his bold style, even though people can find it off putting.

"I don't feel I'm an angry person, but I think sometimes when he gets his message across, he's intense," explained Cindy Rogers of Austell, who voted early for Trump.  "I also get like that and I tell people I'm not getting intense with you, I'm just passionate and so I kind of give him the leeway there."

Trump encouraged his supporters to get out and vote for him during Georgia's primary on March 1.