Dog rescued after being hit by car, left for dead

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Credit: Colleen Lazen

Last week a pit bull was hit by a car and left for dead in Gwinnett County, according to a FOX 5 viewer.

Breanna Brooks shared with FOX 5 that Colleen Lazenby, owner of Diva’s Pit Bull Rescue, found ‘Jimmy’ on the side of the road. Without hesitation she rushed to his side. Upon further evaluation, it was determined that Jimmy had lost complete use of his back legs. Brooks said Lazenby put out a plea on Facebook for help to get the injured pit bull into her car and to a vet.

With the help of Gwinnett County Animal Control, Lazenby got Jimmy to a vet where they discovered he had a broken back. On August 27, Jimmy made the journey with Lazenby at his side to Blue Pearl Animal Hospital in Sandy Springs. When the dog arrived, further x-rays showed that he also had a broken hip.

Diva's Pit Bull Rescue has become a savior for Jimmy, but they need your help. The vet bills are already climbing and Jimmy deserves the chance at a happy life. Jimmy has a long, bumpy road to recovery but he has a chance thanks to Lazenby.

Jimmy is presently seeking a temp foster from 9/5- 9/14 while his foster parents go on vacation. Please message our page or email if you would be available to foster Jimmy temporarily.

Over 60 donations and $2,600 have been made to Jimmy’s Go Fund me page. If you would like to donate too, go here: