DeKalb County D.A. outlines gang's "reign of terror"

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The DeKalb County District Attorney called the actions of one gang a “reign of terror”. A grand jury indicted seven alleged members in connection with a robbing spree that ended with a man's murder.

Authorities believe over the past four months, members of the Fruit Town Brims, who are affiliated with the Bloods, terrorized 15 people in the county. The grand jury indictment accused the group of seven of home invasions, robbing people at gun point, shooting one man in the back, and killing another.

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"This particular gang was prolific with their activities in terms of the amount of damage that they caused in a very short period of time from August to December 26," said DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James.

December 26 is the day Marcus Wilder was killed. Police found his body inside his apartment, all the clues pointed to this gang, and what some people didn't know at the time of Wilder’s death, is the gang had allegedly already been in his apartment earlier that day, robbing and pistol whipping his roommate.

"The beatings were with hands and feet, foreign objects, fire extinguisher," said James.

DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James said he can't comment on why the gang went back to the apartment twice that day, but he said they also robbed another person just a mile away from Wilder's apartment.

James said his office won't stop going after these gangs.

"We're going to hunt you down. We're going to charge you. We're going to indict you. You will be held accountable for this type of behavior. This county does not belong to gang members. This county belongs to the good citizens who work, live and play here," said James.

Jeffery Price, Quenterius Brown, Andrew Lovett, Octavius Johnson, and Jalin McNease are all being held without bond in the DeKalb County jail. Donovan Harris and Denzel Thomas remain at large. All are charge with multiple counts of violating Georgia's gang statute in addition to their other crimes.