Bizarre hair-licking incident at Arbor Place mall, man arrested
Disturbing hair-licking incident in Douglas County
A teen is stunned after a shopping trip to Arbor Place mall in Douglas County is interrupted by an assault. Police say the suspect licked her.
DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ga. - Devon Davis has bonded out of the Douglas County Jail on conditions that he does not return to Arbor Place Mall or approach his alleged victim.
The 35-year-old has been charged with simple battery after allegedly licking and sucking the hair of an 18-year-old woman he did not know.
"That's weird," said shopper Dan Shower." I don't know anybody that licks hair."
Douglas County's Arbor Place mall is one of the larger shopping destinations in west Georgia and still attracts shoppers regionally, including the Shower family from Alabama.
"I can tell you, I would keep my distance from him and keep my wife and kids from him," he says.
Local shopper Joyce Taylor calls the incident "gross."
"I probably would have responded in a way that I would have been in jail today," she says.
Still, she doesn't have a problem shopping at the mall and will continue to do so.
"You have to be vigilant, and watch your surroundings, and be careful," says Taylor. "I've never had a problem coming here."
Authorities have also charged Davis with willful obstruction of law enforcement officers.