2K turkeys given away during annual event in Stonecrest

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest continued its tradition of giving back with its annual turkey giveaway this morning. Partnering with "1-800-Truck Wreck" and other sponsors, the church set a goal to distribute 2,000 turkeys to families facing food insecurity.

RELATED: Thanksgiving/grocery giveaways in metro Atlanta | 2024

The drive-thru-style event attracted long lines, with some families arriving as early as 7 p.m. the night before and sleeping in their cars to secure a meal.

"When you have people lining up at 7 p.m. and sleeping in their cars, the need is real," said Amy Witherite, owner of Witherite Law Group and sponsor of the event.

Dr. Carla Stokes, pastor at New Birth, emphasized the importance of addressing food insecurity. "One in eight families in our neighborhood suffer from food insecurity, and we think that it is something that the church can make a difference in," she said.

This marks the fourth year the church has hosted the turkey giveaway, though New Birth has been providing Thanksgiving meals to the community for over a decade. The initiative reflects the church’s commitment to ensuring families in need can celebrate the holiday with a hearty meal.

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