Good Day Atlanta viewer information story August 9, 2016

Celebrating National Bowling Day Retro-Style in Midtown: It's been around since the swinging '60, so it only makes sense that one of Atlanta's top bowling centers gets a "Man Men"-style makeover just in time for National Bowling Day.

Midtown Bowl in Atlanta was recently renovated, returning the popular bowling spot to its retro 1960s roots while expanding its food and beer selection.  Midtown Bowl boasts a staggering beer selection, full bar, and a menu including pizzas, sandwiches, and salads.  But bowling remains the top draw, of course, with hourly rates available every day along with league bowling Mondays through Wednesdays.    

Good Day Atlanta's Paul Milliken spent the morning at Midtown Bowl, enjoying a few frames while also indulging in his favorite sport, taste-testing!  


Real Estate expert talks about why now is a great time to buy a home.   For more information on John Adams click here.

Notes from John Adams : Home Buyers: ACT FAST!! Occasionally, procrastination pays off.  Now may be one of those times...

If you've been sitting on the fence waiting for the right time to buy your next home, your gamble has paid off!  Here's why:


Yes, resale home prices in metro Atlanta are up about twenty percent over the last couple years, but we still have not fully recovered from the crash. Compared to renting and compared to buying in other parts of the Country, home prices remain attractive.


Here’s the key: your INTEREST COSTS are typically the largest overall expense of owning a home, and anything you can do to lower that cost will have a big payoff.

Most of us who watch the market fully expected home loan rates to be higher by now. But for whatever reason, this has been the slowest economic recovery since the depression. Just about the only thing keeping our economy afloat for the past several years has been the federal reserve printing LOW COST MONEY and pushing it onto the market.

THAT FACT ALONE makes this a great time to buy a house.

You can lock in a 30 year fixed rate home loan today at just blow 3.5%. But the real bargain is a 15 year fixed rate loan at 2.75%.  Yes, the monthly payments are higher, but the low rate and fast payback slashes your overall interest expense to the bone.


As if the first two factors weren't enough to push you over the edge, the tax benefits of owning versus renting are just as good as ever, and they’ve always been good!

As an example, if you buy an ugly house in a nice area, and move in. On weekends, you paint, clean-up, improve, and finish out every square inch of the property. Two years later, you sell for a nice fat profit, maybe fifty thousand dollars profit. If that happens, every penny of profit is totally tax free.


Last time I checked, there were 324 million people living in this great nation of ours, and most of them prefer to live indoors. That’s not gonna change!

CONCLUSION:  The time is right to explore your options for home ownership.  This combination of factors makes ownership particularly attractive, and locking in a long term fixed rate mortgage below three percent is an absolute steal.  Anyone who buys a house today will probably be very happy with their decision five or ten years from today.


Good Day pet of the day from GA SPCA.  For more information click here.

Cindy Martinez Crossfit Journey with Ron Gant:  Cindy Martinez works out in a Dacula gym called Crossfit GOAT. Smiling among her fellow health enthusiasts, she has come a long way from where she was just over year ago. During Memorial Day weekend of 2015, what began as back pain ended with Martinez in an emergency room fighting for her life. “They suspected I had Necrotising Faciitis,” says Martinez, “which is known in the media as the ‘Flesh Eating’ bacteria.". Between the disease and the medicine used to treat it, Martinez lost most of her right arm. Her legs were amputated just below the knees and the fingers on her left hand were amputated half way.

After months of intensive physical and occupational therapy, Martinez was able to go home. Sitting in a house while her husband worked and children we went to school, was too sedate for her. She wanted her strength back and searched for a gym to get in shape. The coaches at Crossfit Goat met with her one on one. “I’ve worked with Adaptive Athletes before, but never to Cindy’s level,” says Amanda Greaver, co-owner of Crossfit  GOAT.

Through brainstorming, advice from physical therapists at Shepherd Center and searching videos on the internet, a training program formed for Martinez. Gloves, Velcro and even chains help her lift and pull weights. She’s always been a fighter and even served in the Marine Corps a few years ago.  She’s says her core muscles are strengthening. Her balance is better and she is able to go much further now on her prosthetic legs, which is good because she now plans to participate in the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. this October.

Her prosthetic legs are not designed for long distance running, so she’ll enter as an “Adaptive Athlete” riding a modified cycle and a partner to assist if needed. She says the Kyle Pease Foundation has helped her come up with the gear. In return, Martinez and the crew at Crossfit GOAT are holding a fundraiser on Saturday, August  20th.  GOAT, by the way, stands for “Greatest of all time.”At 9 am they will have a crossfit class followed by barbecue and socializing.

Martinez hopes to inspire others with disabilities and wants to lead an active lifestyle for her family. The mother of two small children says, ”I want to be able to do things with them and be active. I want them to see their mom as a positive influence and for them to still see me continuing to be strong.”


Benefit Fundraising Web Site Link:

We have a public event Facebook page for the August 20th event.

The Kyle Pease Foundation:

The gym Cindy works out at: