Good Day Atlanta viewer information March 14, 2017

Hikes Take on Triple Challenge with Monadnock Madness: It’s likely that you’ve never heard of a monadnock. But if you’ve ever climbed to the top of Stone, Panola, or Arabia Mountains, you’ve been on one. And if you’ve been to the top of all three in one day, you’re a Triple Hike Champ!
The 5th annual Monadnock Madness is happening this month, and is presented by the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area Alliance in an effort to get people exploring these geological wonders. A monadnock, by the way, is a particular kind of granite mountain that juts out from the flat landscape around it. This month, the Alliance is encouraging people to hike Metro Atlanta’s monadnocks, (Stone, Panola, and Arabia Mountains) and print out the online “passport” to prove that they’ve visited all three. Those that return a fully-stamped passport by the end of the month will get a special prize, and really motivated hikers can take part in one of this month’s Triple Hike Challenges, which takes groups on a fast-paced hike of all three in one day!
Good Day Atlanta’s Paul Milliken definitely didn’t complete the Triple Hike Challenge – but he did do some monadnock exploring this month. He spent the morning learning more about these unique North Georgia features.
So You Think You Can Dance auditions taking place this weekend in Los Angeles, California. Joining us today to talk about the process and the upcoming season is All Star dancer Jasmine Harper. For more information on auditions click here.
Ben and Erin Napier are set to host a new HGTV series "Home Town," today they join us on Good Day Atlanta with some home tips to spruce up your home. For more information click here.