Watch as girl's favorite stuffed animal 'comes alive'

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(WJBK) - Sometimes Christmas wishes do come true.
In a video posted online, Daisy tells her parents that all she wishes for is that her stuffed animal, Luna, was a real puppy. Her dad, behind the camera, tells her to close her eyes and keep them closed because a surprise is coming.
Source: Little girl overwhelmed by new puppy surprise by Sarahdoos on Rumble
So, Daisy closes her eyes and her mom tries to swap out the stuffed animal with Daisy's new puppy.
Daisy opens her eyes a little early and spoils the moment a bit -- but her reaction is so precious that it just might bring you to tears.
Her mom places the fluffy little puppy, wrapped in a bright red bow, right in her lap. Daisy immediately starts crying.
"He's so cute! He's so cute!" she keeps saying (before finding out the pup's a girl).
Her mom says in the video that they've been planning the surprise for "many, many, many weeks."
"It's been the biggest secret in the whole world!" says her mom, who sounds like she may be crying a little bit, too.
The puppy handled the moment like a champ. He sat curled up in a little ball on Daisy's lap, calm as could be.
"I love her, I love her," Daisy repeats before the video ends.
Best surprise ever!