TikTok food critic Keith Lee to return to Atlanta for 'Redemption Food Tour'

Viral TikTok food restaurant critic Keith Lee is giving Atlanta one more chance to prove itself.

On Friday, Lee announced a redemption tour on his TikTok, with Atlanta at the top of the list. The last time Lee made a stop in the city, he placed Atlanta last of all the eight cities he'd visited. 

"If other people perceived me as a normal person and I went to Atlanta to get food, I would have ate nothing. I mean nothing," Lee said in 2023.

Lee, who is from Las Vegas, became a TikTok star because of his food reviews. He has more than 16 million followers and over 700 million video views. Lee became a favorite because of his down-to-earth, honest reviews and his unique style of delivery. He almost always purchases the food anonymously and most of his reviews are done in his car outside the restaurant, which means that the restaurants have no idea that they are about to be reviewed. 

Naturally, Lee's comments didn't go over so well with many Atlanta foodies, resulting in a backlash against the TikToker. In response, Lee released a video in which he indicated that his family's safety and the safety of restaurant employees had been threatened as a result of his Atlanta restaurant reviews.

So, in addition to his appetite, Lee says he is bringing security when he comes to Atlanta on the redemption tour.

"We come in peace. With that being said, we will be protected. It's people with us who are legal and licensed," Lee said about the 2024 tour. "We don't want to have to use them, but we will. My family is going home safe, and I mean I with every bone in my body." 

Where did Keith Lee go to eat in Atlanta?

During his last trip, Lee visited: 

Lee says he will be visiting new restaurants this second time around.


Hopefully round two goes better for the A. 

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