Surveys to decide makeup days for Atlanta, DeKalb Schools

ATLANTA - School districts across metro Atlanta are trying to determine when they will be making up their missing school days due to Hurricane Irma and the several snow days.
Here are the current plans as of Jan. 22:
Atlanta Public Schools: After a survey of teachers, students, and faculty, APS decided to add 30 minutes to each school day from Jan. 29 to March 30. That means elementary schools will release at 3 p.m., high schools will release at 4 p.m., and middle schools will release at 4:35 p.m. Those not on the district’s bell schedule will also add 30 minutes to their day. For more on the survey results visit
Cobb County Schools: Five closures for the 2017 -18 school year with no makeup days needed, due to an extended school calendar.
DeKalb County Schools: Students will go to school on February 16 and March 9 to make up two of the lost days. A survey for parents, teachers, principals, and school council members to determine when the other two days will be made up can be found at
Fulton County Schools: The district lost three days during Hurricane Irma and is using Feb. 16 to make up one of those days. Makeup days will be counted next week and no plan has been decided. On Twitter Superintendent Jeff Rose stated, "Being asked about whether @FultonCoSchools is exploring online/at-home learning options to make up for the lost instructional time due to weather-related events. Answer: Yes, we are working towards being able to do so."
Gwinnett County Schools: Six days missed due to Hurricane Irma and the winter storm. The past three closures have been designated as digital learning days.
Clayton County Schools, Douglas County Schools: The number of makeup days and a plan to make up learning time has not been announced and the district will update community members when administrators return.