Smyrna passes resolutions taking a stand against racism and violence

The city of Smyrna is one of the first cities in Georgia to formally take a stance against racism and violence in the community. On Monday, the city council passed a resolution pledging to take action against all forms of racism.

“I thought it was very proactive for our city to do that,” Smyrna resident Chrissy Robertson.

Earlier this week, attorneys representing the two Atlanta college students, who had Tasers used on them and arrested over the weekend, calling for this type of support from politicians and local governments to lead this cultural change.

“I’m real proud of our city for speaking up against racism,” said Smyrna Mayor Derek Norton.

The resolution includes a commitment from the Smyrna Police Department stating they will continue to be honest and transparent.

Mayor Norton said he plans to collaborate with the police chief and members of the community to look at areas where they can improve.

“Talking about racism and change is one thing but actual action items is another thing,” said Mayor Norton. “And I think that’s what would come out of any recommendation.”

“I think having it lead by the citizens keeps them honest,” said Robertson.

“With everything that’s been going on, I’m glad to hear that someone is making a positive and effective change,” said Smyrna resident Amanda Lordemann.

Smyrna may be one of the first cities, but the mayor says they will not be the last.

“I anticipate you will start to see counties and cities across the state take action,” said Mayor Norton.