Ross Harris trial: Defense rest their case

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The Defense rest their case in the Ross Harris trial Friday afternoon. No more witnesses will be taking the stand.

Harris waived his right to speak. He communicated to the judge that he understood his right to speak, or not to speak, and that the he felt comfortable with his decision.


The last witness to take the stand was Scott Moulton, an expert in computer forensics. He said that Harris did not create the "anti-kid" whisper image. Moulton also said that Harris never searched for "what temp does it have to be a hot car for a kid to die."


During Cross examination the State asked Moulton why he never wrote a report since he is being paid $40,000.

The state recalled Cobb county detective Ed Stockinger to the stand as a rebuttal witness Friday afternoon. Detective Stockinger notified Leanna Harris that her son, Cooper, was deceased. He played a recording of that death notification for the jury. 

Thursday morning began with the defense calling an expert witness to the stand. Dr. Gene Brewer works in the psychology department at Arizona State University, where he specializes in cognition. 

Dr. Brewer told the court there is nothing unique about Harris' case of memory failure. He used the examples of surgeons leaving instruments in patients and pilots forgetting to release landing gear, both of which can have fatal consequences.

"This type of memory failure happens in seconds, and you have no cues to trigger you," the cognitive psychologist told jurors. 

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Wednesday, private confessions were made public as several. people close to Harris testified the Cobb County father "came clean" about his problems with pornography. 

Prosecutors said Harris had a secret life, and a dark side that caused him to leave his 22-month-old son, Cooper, in a hot SUV so he would no longer have family responsibilities. 

Harris' best friend testified Wednesday he was not aware his friend was sexting underage girls and women and having sex outside of his marriage. Harris admitted in an email to his friend that he had an addiction to pornography and he and his wife were seeking Christian-based marriage counseling. 

The defense called a total of five witnesses to the stand Wednesday. They all agreed Harris loved his son. 

Earlier this week, Harris' ex-wife, Leanna Taylor, took the stand. She told the court Harris was a loving father to Cooper, but said he ruined her life and she knew nothing about his dark behavior with other women. 

"He destroyed my life. I am humiliated. I may never trust anyone again. If I never see him again after today, it is fine with me," Taylor said as her voice cracked.

Taylor filed for divorce earlier this year.  She also told attorneys she moved to Alabama to be closer to her new boyfriend.

Closing arguments will begin Monday morning.