No Verdict in Jury's 1st Day Weighing Charges in Jail Death

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A Georgia jury has reached no verdict in its first day deliberating involuntary manslaughter charges against two former sheriff's deputies in the death of a detainee at a county jail.

Jurors in Savannah spent about seven hours in deliberations Thursday after hearing eight days of testimony in the January death of 21-year-old Mathew Ajibade. He died alone in a cell while strapped to a restraint chair after fighting with deputies at the Chatham County jail.

The judge sent the jury home Thursday evening with orders to return early Friday.

Jason Kenny is accused of shocking Ajibade four times with a Taser while he was restrained. Prosecutors say Maxine Evans left Ajibade alone for 90 minutes when she was supposed to ensure he was monitored every 15 minutes.