March for Babies event to help fund March of Dimes

Credit: March of Dimes. Addilyn and Amelia Reynolds, West Metro 2016 March for Babies Ambassador Family twins, were born at WellStar Cobb Hospital.
ATLANTA, Ga - More than 17,000 of Georgia’s babies will be born prematurely in 2016.
March for Babies, the March of Dimes biggest fundraiser, helps to fund lifesaving research and educational programs aimed at helping moms have healthy babies. Last year, more than $400,000 was raised in West Metro.
This year, the event will focus on recruiting new companies to participate and lead the community in making a difference for the health of moms and babies.
Residents in West Metro can register at and start a team with co-workers, family and friends. The event will be held on Saturday, April 30 at Marietta Square.
This year’s event will include: main stage for entertainment and speakers, March of Dimes Mission Tent, Kids Zone play area and a Publix Family Picnic area.