Donald Trump rallies supporters in South Carolina
PENDLETON, S.C. - Brash billionaire businessman and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump brought his bombastic message to South Carolina Wednesday night.
Trump held a rally at Clemson University's T. Ed Garrison Livestock Arena where the fire marshal told FOX 5 News a little over 5,000 supporters attended.
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Trump told the audience he is turning his greed as a businessman toward improving the country. He said he wants to be greedy by bringing in money into the United States.
Jim Cooley of Winder said he drove to South Carolina to support Trump for president. He said Trump is not politically correct which only adds to his support.
Trump told the audience his win in the New Hampshire primary with 35 percent of the vote was a “big win”. He also blasted Hillary Clinton as being “protected by the Democratic Party”. He called the other New Hampshire winner Bernie Sanders a “wacky socialist guy”.
Trump scoffed at reports Mexican leaders will not help pay for a wall along the Mexican border. He said that means the wall just got 10 feet taller.
Trump promised he'll make America great again by repealing Obamacare, by eliminating Common Core education and strengthening U.S. military might.
Trump staffers told FOX 5 News he is headed to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and then to his home base in New York before returning back to the Palmetto State to campaign ahead of the presidential debate Saturday February 13.
The South Carolina Republican Primary is a week from Saturday.