Atlanta neighborhood stepping up patrols with private security

Residents in castle berry Hill are fed up. They're tired of all the car burglaries and want extra patrols in their neighborhood. That's why they're coming together to create their own solution.

Castleberry Hill is known for their monthly art stroll, good restaurants, and comradery among neighbors. While residents say Atlanta Police are present, they feel more officers should be patrolling the neighborhood.

That’s why the Castleberry Hill Neighborhood Association is taking security into their own hands by raising money for private security. Neighborhood association president Carrie Burns hopes to raise the funds through community events and memberships for businesses who want the added security. The added security is estimated at $50,000 per year.

Burns told News Radio 106.7’s Nathalie Pozo that they expect to have the extra patrols in the neighborhood by the end of the month.

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