Adairsville police officer arrested for assaulting, holding wife captive

ADAIRSVILLE, Ga. - Gordon County deputies were responding to a report of domestic disturbance at a home Tuesday morning when they saw something shocking—an Adairsville Police patrol car in the driveway.
Gordon County Sheriff Mitch Ralston confirms that the victim's husband, Nathan Lee Henderson, is a police officer.
The victim was able to escape to a neighbor’s house and call 911 after she says Henderson held her against her will and assaulted her for several hours.
Investigators said that the victim’s clothes were torn and she was visibly injured.
Deputies said when they first arrived at the house, the police officer refused to come outside. Eventually, they were able to arrest the 35-year-old and bring him to the county jail.
The victim’s injuries are not life-threatening, according to authorities.
Henderson has been charged with aggravated assault, battery, and false imprisonment. The Adairsville Police Department has suspended him with pay, pending the outcome of the investigation.
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