5 Most memorable stories of 2016 - David Chandley
Hurricane Matthew made U.S. landfall on October 8, after leaving a path of destruction from the Caribbean to the Southeastern United States. By the time it reached the States, the former category 5 hurricane had downgraded to a category 1, but the 75 mph winds did plenty of damage all along the East Coast.
“This was a storm that affected the whole coast, and then went right up through South Carolina and North Carolina,” said FOX 5 Chief Meteorologist David Chandley.
In preparation for the storm, several states called for mandatory evacuations of the affected areas. In addition to his on-air weather reports and updates, Chandley took to social media to share the latest advisories and take viewers' storm-related questions.
He also used Twitter for up-to-the-minute details.
While many would expect the Chief Meteorologist to pick the most regionally impactful storm of the year as his top story, what was most memorable to David was not the storm itself as much as the way the community rallied together after it was all over.
In response to the damage done by Hurricane Mathew, FOX 5 activated Careforce, a community partnership with Publix and the American Red Cross, to help bring emergency relief to those in need. The response was overwhelming.
As David noted:
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