Thieves caught on camera stealing a van from church in DeKalb County
DECATUR, Ga. - DeKalb County Police say a team of thieves targeted a small church and made off with its van.
The head pastor of the church said was all caught on camera.
The security camera footage from the daycare next to Cornerstone Church of Deliverance shows the bold thieves going right for the church’s white passenger van. They appeared to show up in another white van.
Senior Pastor Rodney Hurst said the keys were in his pocket, so they must have hot-wired it.
"It was premeditated," Senior Pastor Hurst said "I just shook my head. It’s real bad now because people have no value for each other. We lost value and respect for the house of God."
DeKalb County police confirmed that they are investigating the theft, reported on Wednesday.
He said the church used that van to pick up congregants who are elderly, disabled, or just don’t have a ride, along with outreach work.
"This is material, it’s not the biggest thing, but it’s something that we worked hard for," he said.
Hurst said it was there, parked right next to the church when he left last Sunday.
When he came back on Wednesday, it was nowhere to be found.
This Sunday, they’ll have to figure something else out.
Hurst said he heard reports that it was last spotted in Southwest Atlanta a few days ago, but it’s still out there.
He said the bold theft won’t deter him from his calling of preaching the Gospel.
"Whatever we have to do, we’re going to pull together and make it happen," he said. "There are souls out there, and we still got to get to them."