Rep. John Lewis speaks out about Charlottesville
ATLANTA - U.S. Congressman John Lewis had very strong words condemning the racist violence in Charlottesville.
The Civil Rights icon spoke about health care, immigration, and when addressing Charlottesville, he said he was very troubled by what he was seeing over the past few days adding that he even shed tears over what happened.
Rep. Lewis asked why people put each other down because of their race or what part of the world they come from. He said we can and must do better.
“I cannot believe in my heart what I am witnessing today in America. I wanted to think not only as an elected official, but as a human being that we had made more progress. It troubles me a great deal,” said Rep. Lewis.
The congressman went on to say he is concerned about the future of our country and asked for prayers for the people of Virginia and all the citizens of our country.