One of the smallest, most premature babies in the world finally goes home in Florida

Courtesy: Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies

After six months in the neonatal unit at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, one of the smallest and most premature babies in the world is finally at home.

Baby Diana Peguero came into the world on Mother's Day, May 10, when her mother was just 22 weeks pregnant.

Baby Diana is considered a "micro-preemie," born weighing 12 ounces and nine inches long.

Doctors say she may have actually been younger than 22 weeks because gestational age is just an estimate.

Courtesy: Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies

Miraculously, Diana never needed any life-saving surgeries.

As of November, Diana weighed in at over seven pounds, making her the most premature surviving baby to ever leave from Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies.

Diana's parents, Federico and Jomary, traveled to and from their home in Ocala to be with Diana in Orlando.

Courtesy: Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies

For Diana's dad, her homecoming is extra special as he celebrated his birthday on Nov. 5.

Diana's homecoming comes in November, which is National Prematurity Awareness Month.

According to the University of Iowa's Tiniest Baby Registry, which keeps a running list of reported cases of smallest surviving babies, Diana will join a group of only 10 babies in the world recorded to have survived at her size and gestational age.
