More than half of cars stolen in Atlanta were left running unattended, police chief says
ATLANTA - Motorists are helping thieves by leaving their cars running when they make a brief stop to drop dry cleaning or snag a sandwich.
Those are two of the scenarios given police when the driver comes back to find the vehicle gone.
Chief Darin Schierbaum outlined to the city council this week what has been happening with car crimes. The interim chief and his top commanders have outlined the street crime in the weekly management meeting called COBRA.
"More than half of the cars we are seeing stolen are because people got out and left them running," Schierbaum said. "So, we need to do more education on this".
Chris Rich, a security executive with Hawque Protection Group, said thieves count on individuals letting their guard down.
"A friend at five-o'clock in the morning started his car remotely before heading to the gym," Rich said. "When he came out, his car was gone."
Rich said no longer can one hold to a theory that crime takes place at a certain time.