Buckhead couple terrified after nicely dressed man tries to break into home
BUCKHEAD, Ga. - A Buckhead couple said they are terrified after a nicely dressed man tried to break into their Garden Hills home while they slept.
Erin Guthrie said she woke up to a loud noise at around four Sunday morning. Her husband, Nickie went downstairs to check while she stayed upstairs.
“When I heard that yell and that scream, I thought that was the end,” said Erin Guthrie.
Erin said it was her husband who came face to face with the attempted home invader who was at their backdoor.
“I got right about here and I heard this bang and that’s when I screamed out, get out of here,” said Nickie Guthrie.
Erin said she froze when she heard her husband yell those words and what she describes as a horrible scream.
“I had this image of like two to three guys in the house with guns and he kept yelling and screaming and I kept thinking, there is somebody down there and they are going to kill my husband,” said Erin.
Fortunately Nickie was able to keep the man out. The Guthrie’s said the man appeared to be drunk or high and said he ripped brackets off their front door, kicked the bottom leaving behind marks and then made his way to the backdoor where he did more damage.
They called police, but said the man was gone when the patrol car passed their house.
“We’ve had too much crime and I feel that it is being under reported and I feel like maybe sometimes we are not taken seriously,” said Erin.
According to the Atlanta Police Department’s crime data history, there have been more than 130 home break-ins in the Buckhead area since December 2016.
The Guthrie’s said they appreciate the hard work of the Atlanta Police Department and realize manpower can only go so far, but they are frustrated by the crime in their area and want to see more patrols.
“I just wish the police would cruise around through the neighborhood more often so they would know that they’re cruising through the neighborhood and that might slow some of it down,” said Nickie.
Nickie and Erin are grateful this was not worse and said their neighbors have been very supportive, adding that some residents told them they have had similar situations at their homes. Erin said she hopes the community can come even closer and maybe take this matter into their own hands.
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