Kids Bowl Free summer program returns with new app
DECATUR, Ga. - When they say there's an app for everything, they really mean it now. A popular summer program for kids is back and this time, it's easier than ever thanks to a new app.
Kids Bowl Free returns to bowling centers around the country this summer with a new app that allows families to sign up their kids for the program and redeem their two free games of bowling per day. Kids Bowl Free allows registered kids to receive two free games of bowling every day for the entire summer, and nearly 1,500 North American bowling centers are taking part in the program.
Several of those are here in Metro Atlanta, including Decatur's The Comet Pub & Lanes, which used to be Suburban Lanes and happens to be the site of the much-debated Good Day Atlanta Battle of the Sexes Bowling Tournament from earlier this year!
The new Kids Bowl Free app is a free download, and eliminates the need to print out the free bowling coupons –now, kids can redeem their free games just by showing the app at check-in.
Good Day Atlanta's Paul Milliken spent the morning at The Comet Pub & Lanes, trying out the new app and brushing up on his bowling skills with some new friends!