Women's role in WWE evolves
ORLANDO, Fla. - WWE's Friday night SmackDown Live airs for its second week on FOX.
The program has evolved over the years as has the role women have played in WWE.
"We spend hours in the ring every day, in the weight rooms and working on our communication skills," WWE Diva Peyton Royce, of the IIconics, said.
Tag Team Duo Peyton Royce and Billie Kay know all about hard work.
The two Australian born wrestlers spent three years at WWE's Performance Center in Orlando before ever making it to the main stage.
"It's not just what you see on camera, it’s a lifestyle," Billie Kay said. "Every day you are working towards a goal."
The two are big stars in the WWE as are many other women...in roles that are much different than the ones women had in the early days of WWE.
"At that time, women were eyes candy," WWE executive vice president Paul Levesque aka Triple H said. "Now they're headlining WrestleMania."
The IIconics told FOX 5's Natalie Fultz that over the past decade women wrestlers have fought to have a bigger role.
"It's been over the past five to ten years where we've seen the change and now we are getting to enjoy these new opportunities," Royce said.
WWE superstar Drew McIntyre says the women work just as hard as the men and have a huge fan base.
"You definitely don't want to perform after them because they blow it out and so you have to work really hard to get the crowd back to the same level once they're done," Drew McIntyre said.