Police: Robbers preying on pedestrians around East Atlanta Village

Atlanta Police say robberies in East Atlanta are up 60 percent from this time last year, after FOX 5 learned a woman was robbed at gunpoint Sunday by a restaurant parking lot.

Police say they are stepping up patrols in response to the recent incidents. Officials say bar patrons walking late at night back to their vehicles are vulnerable to these robbers.

"A man with a pistol came up to my window and knocked on my window," says Katherine Cooper, who parked in a lot close to the restaurant Argosy. "I got really scared. I didn't have much to give these guys

The men stole her cell phone, some credit cards and her ID.

Businesses around East Atlanta Village say they're concerned about the crime increase affecting their business and hurting their customers.

One store tells FOX 5 it is considering shutting down due to safety concerns at night.

"We bear the burden of these customers being social, then leaving my establishment and going to these parking lots," says Yaqui Oselen, who hopes officers will add more foot patrols to stay visible in the area.

Officers say they will plan to work with businesses to boost safety for their customers and increase lighting around businesses and streets.