No federal charges against officers in Freddie Gray death

Federal prosecutors will not charge six Baltimore officers involved in the in-custody arrest and death of Freddie Gray, according to the Associated Press.

Gray was critically injured on April 12 in the back of a prisoner transport van after he was arrested for having a switchblade.

Six officers faced charges, ranging from second-degree murder to assault and misconduct in office, in connection with Gray’s death.

RELATED: Prosecutors drop remaining charges against all officers in Freddie Gray case

The case sparked violence in the streets of Baltimore. Protests, fires, looting, and riots overwhelmed the city in the days following his funeral.

In September of last year, the city of Baltimore agreed to pay the Gray family $6.4 million to settle civil litigation in the case.

MORE: City says it's reached $6.4M wrongful death settlement with family of Freddie Gray

The Associated Press contributed to this report.