Man sentenced to 20 years in Cobb County for molesting young girl for 3 years

Cobb County District Attorney Flynn D. Broady Jr. announced that Mendez Mariojorge Galindo, 44, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison without the possibility of parole after pleading guilty to multiple charges, including child molestation, rape, aggravated child molestation, and aggravated sexual battery.

The case began on June 10, 2022, when Cobb County police started investigating a report of child molestation made by the victim's mother. The female victim, who is under the age of 16, reported that she had been repeatedly molested by Galindo over a period of nearly three years, from Aug. 1, 2019, to June 10, 2022.

The victim confided in her sister, and together they reported the molestation to their mother, who contacted the authorities. The victim was taken to Cobb Hospital and referred to Safepath Children's Advocacy Center, where she underwent a thorough forensic interview and physical examination. The evidence gathered during this process conclusively identified Galindo as the perpetrator.

Galindo was apprehended by law enforcement on June 13, 2022. On May 13, he pleaded guilty to all charges before his trial was set to begin. Superior Court Judge Robert D. Leonard II sentenced him to 20 years in prison without parole, followed by a lifetime on probation.

Assistant District Attorney Rachel Plevak prosecuted the case on behalf of the state, while Reid Thompson represented the defendant.