Heading into the Holidays: Black Friday

I know, we have to knock out Halloween first, but truly, the big holidays and the shopping rush are this-close, so let's "Head into the Holidays" with a Black Friday game plan.

We have done a lot to get ready for the holidays by creating a budget and working on ways to cut costs.

Now, let's talk about Black Friday a bit and not be a rookie, folks. You don't just jump into that big day blindly. Those folks next to you at the crack of dawn hunting down deals are pros. They didn't just wander into the store. So, to compete you have got to get into shopping shape. Make a game plan.



1. Prioritize retailers
2. Jot down store hours
3. Understand promo offers


Step one: Prioritize retailers. If you're looking for a TV deal, find the one that you want and the store where you need to be and go there first. Put retailers in order. Get your map plan ready. Step two: Jot down store hours. If your number two retailer opens two hours earlier, bump that one up to your number one stop. Step three: Brush up on how long those promo sales last. If something lower down the list has a one-hour-only offer, you might have to move it up. And be aware that they have limited quantities on big items.

Once a week we are taking a look at what you can do to avoid long lines, last-minute stress shopping and budget busting bad ideas.

So far we've created a budget, started a Christmas list, joined a short-term savings club, joined our favorite retailer's social media page for insider deals, and signed up for store credit cards for insider deals there, too.