Good deed: FOX 5 employee loses phone, someone turns it in

Even when we think we're having a bad day and that all in the world seems to be in shambles, there's always a "good deed" that breaks through.

One of the many FOX 5 employees we depend on is Assignment Editor Richard Marlar. As you can imagine, we all need our phones for work...especially Richard. After all, he has connections to every single person in and around Atlanta [at least it seems that way!].

He works the assignment desk, answering/making calls, listening to scanners, emailing like a mad man, keeping in touch with photographer/reporter teams, reaching out to those he knows to stay updated on the latest breaking news. List goes on. He stays incredibly busy.

And it just so happens part of his work "lifeline" is his phone. The glorious contact list. Which he didn't quite realize was as important as it is...until he accidentally left his phone in a Kroger grocery cart.

When you hear things like this, your immediate thought may be something along the lines of someone stealing it to resell. Make a little fast cash, you know. That seems to be the 'norm' these days. Sad, eh?

Well not this day. Someone found his phone and turned it in. Here's Richard's story...

And Richard's friends around the Tucker community--and part of Tucker Town Talk Facebook group--are commending the person who did the right thing...

To the one who turned in Richard's phone...WE SALUTE YOU!!